- The company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, which are made through its online store, according to its needs and transactional manners. Undertakes the obligation to inform the users for any modifications as well as for any change, through the website of this online store.
Information provided & Products
- The company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on its website www. optikavasileiou.gr both regarding the exact data presented and the services provided by its online store, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which can not be predicted or have occurred unintentionally or due to interruption of the website reasons of force majeure.
Liability limitation
- The company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order (except in the cases of paragraph (5. “Return – Replacement of Products”).
- It is also reserved as to the time of delivery of the goods in cases of force majeure. The online store www.optikavasileiou.gr can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the timely information of the final consumers about their non-availability.
- The online store www.optikavasileiou.gr provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products and services available through the website “exactly as they are” .
- In no case the online store of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” is not responsible for any claims of legal or civil and / or criminal nature nor for any damage (positive, special or negative which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and / or cumulative loss profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) from visitors of the website or third parties due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / and information available from it and / or from any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and / or services and / or information available through it.
Intellectual property rights
- This website is the official online store of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU“. All content of the website, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.
- Any copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of production work or misleading the public about the actual content provider of the website is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” or any other legal holder of the above copyrights.
- The names, images, logos and insignia that represent the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” and / or its online store www.optikavasileiou.gr and / or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive marks and distinctive features of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” and / or www.optikavasileiou.gr and / or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance and display on the website www.optikavasileiou.gr and in the online store of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.
Return – Product Replacement
- You have the right to return the products you bought and request their replacement a) in all cases in which with proven fault of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” were sold incorrect products or products of poor and defective quality (error in receiving the order, invoicing, in the consignment, damaged during transport or with poor packaging) and b) in all cases in which there was a problem / actual defect in the product (operation or quality) covered by the product warranty and if the warranty has been given by the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU“. This provision does not cover products covered by third party warranties such as the product manufacturer or his representative.
- In any case and for all the above cases, the maximum return period for replacement may not be extended beyond three (3) calendar days from the date of receipt. In addition, for all cases, the product to be replaced-repaired must be accompanied by the original proof of purchase or in case of wholesale sale by the relevant D.A. as a transport accompaniment. For all the above cases the products to be replaced-repaired must be in the condition received by the customer, complete and without damage and their packaging must be the one that normally accompanies the product (agrees the IMEI) and be in excellent condition , together with all the documents that accompanied the product (eg DAT, Ap. Retail, etc.). Before each return it is necessary to consult with the Online store of the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU“.
In any case, return and replacement is possible under the following conditions:
- Contact the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” on the same day or the next working day
- The product has not been used
- The product is accompanied by all the necessary documents that prove the transaction (eg DAT, Retail Rep. Etc.)
- In case they are not returned within 5 days then the company “OPTIKA VASILEIOU” may not accept any return and replacement.